Dominate your life goals

Everything you need to design your life.

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Designing your life is hard.
But not that hard.

Well, if you have a system. Angstrom is not like any other project management app or to-do list app because it is built around a hierarchy.

Everything starts with your Life goals and who you want to be.

From there you create milestones. Points in time where you will achieve a certain amount of your life goals.

Below your milestones are the projects and tasks you need to hit your milestones.

Life goals
Kelvin avatar
I believe that the right tool can help you live the life you always wanted and become a happier person.
That's why I am building Angstrom.

Kelvin Angstrom

Your success might not be as far away as you think.

The biggest problem with achieving your goals these days is working on seemingly important but irrelvant things.

Don't get me wrong it is easy to do. There are so many shiny objects in this world.

The only real cure is being crystal clear about what you want. And why you want it. Angstrom will help you with both.

You only live once. Make it great.

Knowing where you want to be in the future is half the battle. Start with your life goals. With who you want to be. Everything else takes care of itself.

Angstrom uses the life goals hierarchy shown above to structure everything. So that you know WHY you are working on something.

If you can't figure out where a task should logically go in your goals hierarchy, should you be doing it?

Your progress at a glance.

When you have a lot of things on your plate it can be difficult to know where you stand.

Having visual indicators of the status of tasks can be very useful to let you know how long you worked on a task and how much time you think it will take to complete.

Let's also not underestimate the feeling of accomplishment that you can get from making everything green :) Give it a try. Feels good right!

You need a helping hand. We all do.

Every 10 minutes Angstrom analzes all of Goals, Milestones, Projects and tasks.

If it finds a problem. It tells you. And suggests a remedy!

If you haven't reviewed your goals or a task that you have let slip through the cracks and forgotten about, you'll be given a gentle nudge to deal with it.

What makes you tick?

The best way to improve how you work (and how you live) is with feedback. Without feedback you can't alter your flightpath to reach your desired destination. Angstrom gives you that crucial feedback so that you can achieve what's important for you in your life.

See what Angstrom can do you.